
Judge John Hodgman on the Crass Bumper Sticker

Grace writes: My husband’s car has a bumper sticker that reads: “Please don’t fart around my kids.” I drive this car often and am mortified when I see people looking at the bumper. My husband loves the sticker, and I believe a lot of his enjoyment comes from my hating it so much. Can you please order him to remove it?

I don’t even get the joke this bumper sticker is trying to make. Unless it’s not a joke and he genuinely wants exclusive farting rights around your children — which does track with the kind of “fun” dad who enjoys embarrassing his family. The car is not “his.” It is shared by you. If he gets pouty and won’t remove it, you can simply cover it up with a magnetic strip whenever you use it. Or add your own bumper sticker with an arrow that says: “My husband thinks this is funny. He laughs at my discomfort, and this is how we talk now.”

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