In the 12 years it took me to write “The Deluge,” my novel of the climate crisis, I watched as…
Despite significant progress, Scotland was falling short on cutting vehicle emissions, switching to heat pumps and even restoring peatland, the…
At first glance, Xi Jinping seems to have lost the plot. China’s president appears to be smothering the entrepreneurial dynamism…
From airlines to pork sellers, corporate brands face legal and regulatory challenges for misleading the public with lofty climate claims.
But the court ruled as inadmissible two other climate-related attempts to hold governments accountable.
More from our inbox: A ‘Workers Bridge’ for BaltimoreTrump and the $60 BibleCan Just Anyone Run?Flaco’s Cruel Fate Is Not…
Two fracking companies had challenged requirements that some businesses disclose more information about the risks they face from climate change.
The financing faced criticism that it doesn’t mesh with U.S. commitments on climate change. Earlier, two climate advisers had resigned…
When former Secretary of State John Kerry stepped into a newly created post as America’s top climate diplomat in 2021,…