

Are Ice Luges Cool Now?

Fueled by a desire for fun, hedonistic messiness and nostalgia, the liquor ice luge appears to be making a comeback…


Greece Moves to Block Extreme-Right Party as Election Nears

A new law targets a party founded by an imprisoned former official of the neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn. But critics…


As Sunak Tries to Move Ahead, He’s Haunted by Prime Ministers Past

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Britain made moves to recharge his government, but he is being harried by Liz Truss and…


Trump Won’t Commit to Backing the G.O.P. Nominee in 2024

The former president faces several potential Republican challengers in his bid for the White House. 


How Much Longer Can ‘Vote Blue No Matter Who!’ Last?

Over the past four decades, the percentage of white Democrats who identify themselves as liberal has more than doubled, growing…


As Tough Elections Loom in Turkey, Erdogan Is Spending for Victory

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is trying to soften the blow of inflation on the population and using legal threats to…


Will the Real G.O.P. Please Stand Up? A National Power Struggle Goes Local.

In one deep-red pocket of rural Pennsylvania, three warring factions each claim to represent the Republican Party. Tensions boiled over…


Chris Hipkins Poised to Replace Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand’s Leader

Mr. Hipkins, a household name in New Zealand for his role overseeing the country’s response to the pandemic, was nominated…


Which Leaders Resign, Like Jacinda Ardern? Often, the System Decides.

In parliamentary systems like New Zealand’s, it is the norm for leaders to step down when doing so may serve…


Three Reasons the Republican Party Keeps Coming Apart at the Seams

For decades, the cliché in politics was that “Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line.” The Democratic Party…

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